Author Biographies

J.M. Faulkner

J.M. Faulkner teaches English in the Czech Republic, the perfect place to steep himself in a tumultuous history that fuels his curiosity. His darker writings have appeared in venues such Cosmic Horror Monthly, Eerie River and Nosetouch Press; his sunnier work has appeared in Solarpunk Magazine.

His debut novella, Her Being Toward Death, is forthcoming from Grendel Press. Find out more on

Caleb James K.

Caleb James K. hails from Washington, Pennsylvania. When he’s not lifting heavy things or drinking mid-shelf whiskey, he’s talking to other creatives as the host of the Drunken Pen Writing Podcast. You can find some of his forthcoming and recent works in The Sirens Call, PA Bards, Strange Days Zine, miniMAG, Diabolic Press Issue One, and HorrorScope Volumes 3 & 4.

R.P. Serin

R.P. Serin was born in 1981. He lives in Shropshire, UK with his wife and two children and has worked in the NHS as an Operating Department Practitioner for over 15 years. In 2018, he graduated from the Open University with a 1st class Honours Degree in History and is an Affiliate Writer with the Horror Writers Association.

His work has previously been published in Nightmares of Strangers Vol II, Dream of Shadows Anthology, Paranormal Magazine, Horrified Ezine, and elsewhere. He was diagnosed with Autism in 2019.

Brett O’Reilly

Roulette Croupier. Carny. Professional Fundraiser. These are a few of the titles Brett O’Reilly has held before adding Author to the list.

Brett lives in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, with his wife, children, and feline Lord of the House, Joey Bojangles. Brett’s hobbies include golf, pickleball, paddleboarding, boardgames, and watching horror movies, none of which he seems to ever have time for. Writing. Always writing.

Karen Heuler

Karen Heuler’s stories have appeared in over 120 literary and speculative magazines and anthologies, from Asimov’s to Conjunctions to Fantasy & Science Fiction. Her most recent novel is The Splendid City (Angry Robot Books), a political satire about a state that secedes from the U.S. and a cat with a gun, and her latest short-story collection is A Slice of the Dark from Fairwood Press. Find her on Facebook, at what we used to call Twitter, and at

Gregory Glanz

Greg has spent a lifetime pursuing creative writing and storytelling. He has a passion for the hidden tale, the ignored subject, the absurd. He has had a number of short stories published in genres from realism to fantasy and science fiction, as well as cross genres such as magical realism. He is a homebrewer and biking enthusiast. Surprisingly, they go exceedingly well together as more and more microbrews chase thirsty bicyclists across city trails. In his spare time, he loves to travel through the villages of Ireland and document rural, generational Irish pubs in the series, ‘A Proper Pint’ ( His book, ‘In Human Shadow,’ was released last fall by Nordic Press.

Scott Harper

Scott Harper is the author of numerous speculative fiction collections, including Anton the Undying and Lethal Lords and Ladies of the Night. His fantastic tales have appeared in Space and Time Magazine, Weirdbook, and Best New Vampire Tales. He lives in Southern California with his wife and son. You can follow him on social media and his website

Rachel Searcey

Rachel lives in the Florida panhandle with her husband, two children, and two cats (1 black, 1 torti). She’s bi-racial—Indian and white— and grew up in Texas. She has recently ventured into prose after over two decades of producing indie horror films. Her work has been published in Cosmic Horror Monthly, Diet Milk Magazine, Flash Point SF, Aphotic Realm, Pyre Magazine, and various anthologies. To view Rachel’s films and news on published works, visit

K. A. Tutin

K. A. Tutin resides in Surrey, England, where she writes dark and strange speculative fiction. Her work can be found in Kaleidotrope, Lamplight, and elsewhere. Find her at

James Austin McCormick

James is a college lecturer from Manchester, England and has been writing speculative fiction (science fiction, horror and fantasy) for almost three decades. The biggest influences on James as a writer, he would say, are H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Frank Herbert and Clive Barker.

To date James has been fortunate enough to have had several short stories and novellas included in various anthologies as well as some short novels published by Class Act Books. For James writing is all about escapism; the more he can create his world, the more he enjoys it.

You can find most of James’s published work on ISFB at:

James Hancock is a writer/screenwriter who specialises in bizarre comedy, thriller, horror, sci-fi and twisted fairy tales. He takes readers down strange and seldom trodden paths, often dark, and always with a twist or two along the way. A few of his short screenplays have been made into films, his stories read on podcasts, and he has been published in several print magazines, online, and in anthology books. He lives in England with his wife, two daughters, and a bunch of pets he insisted his girls could NOT have.


Phoebe Barr

Phoebe Barr is a young queer writer focusing on character-driven narratives and exploring surreal, dark, and supernatural themes in her work. Her short fiction has previously appeared in The Spectre Review, a magazine focused on horror and ghost stories.