Dark Holme Publishing: Submission FAQs

Anthology Submissions

Q: What genres do you accept?
A: We are currently accepting submissions in the genres of Horror and Dark Fantasy only. Make sure your story aligns with the themes and tone of these genres.  Writers wanted: Dark Holme Publishing is seeking submissions!
Q: What is the word count for submissions?
A: Submissions must be short stories ranging between 3000 and 15,000 words. Please ensure your story falls within this specified word count.
Q: Are there any submission fees?
A: No. We welcome submissions at no cost. However, we appreciate any donations to help maintain the meticulous review process for each entry.
Q: Do you offer feedback on submissions?
A: While we appreciate the effort that goes into each submission, providing detailed feedback on individual stories may not always be possible due to the volume of submissions we receive.
Q: How long does it take to hear back about my submission?
A: Dark Holme Publishing aims to notify authors of the status of their submissions within 8 weeks. Please be patient during this period, as our team carefully reviews each entry.
Q: Can I submit previously published work?
A: No. We only accept previously unpublished works. Ensure that your submission has not been published elsewhere in any form, including online platforms, magazines, or anthologies.
Q: What format should I use for my submission?
A: Submissions should be in standard manuscript format, using a legible font. Attach your story as a Word document or PDF. Include your contact information and a brief bio in the body of your email.
Q: Can I submit more than one story?
A: We only accept a maximum of one submission per author per submission period.
Q: When are deadlines for submissions?
A: Submissions are open on a rolling basis. You can check our website for updates on any upcoming deadlines.
Q: When will the anthology be published?
A: Authors will be notified of the publication date closer to the time of release.
Q: What are your diversity and inclusion efforts?
A: Dark Holme Publishing specifically encourages submissions from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented voices, emphasizing an inclusive publishing environment.
Q: What editing will be done on my work?
A: Writers must submit a final polished draft ready to be published. The only editing undertaken by Dark Holme will be formatting for typesetting and grammar, to ensure a uniformed UK format. No further editing will be done by Dark Holme Publishing.

Nightmare Narratives
Q: What is Nightmare Narratives?
A: Nightmare Narratives is our member-exclusive section featuring new horror and dark fantasy stories every Tuesday and Friday.
Q: How much do I get paid if my story is chosen for Nightmare Narratives?
A: Dark Holme offers a one-time payment of £5.00 if your story is selected for Nightmare Narratives, regardless of anthology publication.
Q: Do I have to opt-in to receive the £5.00 payment?
A: No. By having your story featured in Nightmare Narratives, you'll automatically receive a free membership to our platform. This grants you access to exclusive content, community forums, and the opportunity to connect with a dedicated horror and dark fantasy audience. In essence, you get the £5.00 payment and the membership benefit.
Q: Can I choose not to have my story in Nightmare Narratives?
A: Absolutely! Just mention this clearly in your submission email. You'll still be eligible to submit your story for anthology consideration.
Q: What rights do I retain if my story is chosen for Nightmare Narratives?
A: Submitting your work specifically for Nightmare Narratives does not grant Dark Holme any rights to your work. However, by having your story featured, you are agreeing to non-exclusive publication on our platform. This means we can publish your story in Nightmare Narratives, but you retain all other rights to your work. You can resubmit it elsewhere or include it in your own collection.
Q: What happens if my story is accepted elsewhere after submission to Dark Holme?
A: Please inform Dark Holme promptly if your story is accepted for publication elsewhere. Stories published elsewhere cannot be included in the Dark Holme anthology.
Q: Can I withdraw my story at any point?
A: Yes, you have the right to request Dark Holme to withdraw your story at any point, regardless of whether it's chosen for Nightmare Narratives or anthology consideration.

Additional Information

Q: Where can I submit my story?
A: You can submit your story with a 100-200 word cover letter to kerry@darkholmepublishing.uk.
Q: Can I learn more about Dark Holme Publishing?
A: Absolutely! We encourage you to explore our website for more information about our mission, our team, and the benefits of being a Dark Holme author.

We hope this FAQ clarifies the submission process and answers any questions you may have about Dark Holme Publishing. If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.